If you have a sagging neck that bothers you then you have a few options for improvement depending on your age and ageing.
Neck liposuction is a procedure that redefines the neckline through the removal of excess fat, a procedure that is common for both women and men. As we age, fat accumulates under the chin, creating a visual appearance that many people refer to as a “turkey neck” and while there is no specific reason why some people experience this and others do not, it has been noted that in some cases it runs in the family.
A neck liposuction in Sydney can be utilised to remove excess fat from the neck; however, as with all types of surgery, you will need to first be evaluated by Dr. Hodgkinson to ensure you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.
Dr. Hodgkinson is recognized world-wide as an expert in cosmetic plastic surgery with more than thirty years of experience in both cosmetic and plastic/reconstructive surgery.
To know more about this procedure, kindly check out https://www.drhodgkinson.com.au/procedure/neck-liposuction/ or CALL (02) 9362 7400.