Do you have a saggy neck? Why not consider neck lift surgery in Sydney from Dr Hodgkinson. Dr. Hodgkinson is well-respected in the industry and has over thirty years of experience to his name.
Neck lift surgery should be performed as a part of and with every full Facelift in both women and men. When addressing the sagging of the jowels or jawline during a facelift, if you stop at that point you make the face look unnaturally tight as it does not appear in isolation from the jaw, chin and neck. Neck lifting addresses the area from the jawline all the way down to the collar bones and should seek to get rid of the not only the “turkey neck” but age defining “rings” around the neck where possible. A neck lift may only require the same incision lines as the facelift but in the majority of cases it is impossible to get a good result without a small incision just behind and underneath the chin.
To know more about this procedure you may visit or CALL US with this number (02) 9362 7400.